Theft Defense Attorneys in Kaufman, Texas
- Personal Injury
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- Nursing Home Negligence
- Construction Accidents
- Auto Accidents
- Criminal Defense
- First Time DWI
- Breath Test Refusal
- Assault
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Crimes
- Theft
- Probation Violations
- Violent Crimes
- Divorce & Family Law
- Estate Planning
- Civil Litigation
If you were recently accused of unlawfully taking the property of another, you’re most likely now facing a wide array of criminal penalties. A Kaufman County, Texas theft lawyer from our firm is here to protect you from those penalties. Contact Harrell & Paulson today to learn more about theft crimes in Texas and how we can help you fight them.
Theft Lawyer Serving Clients in Kaufman County, Texas
A theft crime conviction can tarnish a person’s reputation, cause significant financial hardship, and land them behind bars, among a wide array of other penalties. Anyone facing these charges needs an experienced Kaufman County, Texas criminal defense lawyer on their side.
Common Types of Theft
As you may know, there are various ways in which a person can commit an act of theft. Just some of the most common types of theft that our firm sees are as follows:
Identity Theft
Credit Card Fraud
Insurance Fraud
Tax Evasion
Keep in mind these are just some of the most common types of theft crimes we see, and essentially any other scenario where a person takes something from another person or entity without knowledge or permission is considered an act of theft.
Don't Navigate This Alone
Penalties for Theft Charges in Texas
The consequences of a theft charge will depend both on the type of theft and the dollar value of what was stolen. The penalties for theft charges in Texas are as follows:
Property worth $100 or less: Class C misdemeanor, which entails a potential $500 fine.
Property worth between $100 and $750: Class B misdemeanor, which entails up to 180 days of incarceration and a potential $2,000 fine.
Property worth between $750 and $2,500: Class A misdemeanor, which entails up to one year of incarceration and a potential $4,000 fine.
Property worth between $2,500 and $30,000: State jail felony, which entails anywhere between 180 days and two years of incarceration, as well as a potential $10,000 fine.
Property worth between $30,000 and $150,000: Third-degree felony, which entails anywhere between two and 10 years of incarceration, and a potential $10,000 fine.
Property worth between $150,000 and $300,000: Second-degree felony, which entails anywhere between two and 20 years of incarceration and a potential $10,000 fine.
Property worth more than $300,000: First-degree felony, which entails anywhere between five and 99 years of incarceration, as well as a potential $10,000 fine.
Potential Defenses Against Theft Charges
Depending on the type of theft charges you’re facing, there may be a variety of potential defenses available. For example, if you were accused of shoplifting, we may argue that you intended to pay for the item or didn’t realize you were stealing the item. In other cases, we may argue that you thought you had implicit permission to take the item. Regardless of the circumstances of your charges, our firm can fight for the best possible outcome on your behalf.
Contact Our Kaufman County Criminal Defense Firm
If you’re facing theft charges of any kind, you’ve come to the right place. Contact a Kaufman County, Texas theft lawyer from Harrell & Paulson today to schedule your initial consultation with our aggressive and skilled criminal defense firm.
- Personal Injury
- Slip & Falls
- Defective Products
- Dog Bites
- Work Injuries
- Wrongful Death
- Nursing Home Negligence
- Construction Accidents
- Auto Accidents
- Criminal Defense
- First Time DWI
- Breath Test Refusal
- Assault
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Crimes
- Theft
- Probation Violations
- Violent Crimes
- Divorce & Family Law
- Estate Planning
- Civil Litigation